UN Socio-economic Impact Assessment (SEIA) of the COVID-19 crisis in BiH

The UN Socio-economic Impact Assessment (SEIA) of the COVID-19 crisis in BiH is intended to inform and guide the policy design of the authorities in BiH in response to COVID-19 over the next 12 to 18 months, and also provide medium- and longer-term policy recommendations, as well as help mobilize resources for recovery. These recommendations can help institutions and other stakeholders build a recovery plan by putting forward aspects of inclusiveness and sustainability.
The SEIA in BiH is based on the UN Secretary-General’s Shared Responsibility, Global Solidarity Report and the global UN operational framework, which includes five pillars: health first, macroeconomic response, economic response and recovery, protecting people, and social cohesion and community resilience. It is based on assessments and studies of COVID-19’s impact by UN agencies, donors and International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and analyses and policy decisions of the authorities in BiH.
This page contains English and BHS language versions, as well as the short presentation of the key findings.