Scaling-up Climate Resilient Flood Risk Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Through the future project "Scaling-up climate resilient flood risk management in Bosnia and Herzegovina" the issue of increasing vulnerability of communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina to disasters caused by floods will be addressed. This will be achieved by adopting an integrated approach to flood risk management, resulting in the strengthening of institutional, technical, and financial capacities for the implementation of long-term flood risk management strategies, including a combination of structural and non-structural measures. Additionally, flood forecasting and early warning systems will be strengthened to provide timely information about impending disasters to the population in risk zones.
As part of the project preparation, the "Environmental and Social Assessment Report (ESAR)" and "Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)" have been prepared to support the project proposal and subsequent implementation. The ESAR has been prepared using publicly available information, project reference documents, consultations with stakeholders such as government, NGOs, and project development team members, as well as field visits by a safeguard specialist to representative sites.