Bosnia and Herzegovina Floods Response – Multi-Cluster Initial Rapid Assessment

On 4 October 2024, a severe storm struck Bosnia and Herzegovina, triggering widespread flooding, mudslides, and landslides. The latest official reports state that these events have resulted in the deaths of 27 people. The flooding and landslides had a devastating impact, causing widespread damage to housing, infrastructure, and essential life services.
The United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina has conducted the ‘light’ Multi-Cluster Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA), in coordination with the Federal Civil Protection of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FCPBiH) and the Red Cross Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina (RCSBiH). The assessment provides an Inter-Agency understanding of the current needs within the affected municipalities across Educational, Health, Shelter, Food, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Livelihood, Protection, and Infrastructure sectors.
The assessment benefited from the input and support of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), and UN Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was led and coordinated by the International Organization of Migration (IOM), under the delegated authority of the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Bosnia and Herzegovina.