Press Release
05 March 2025
Women behind push for resilience Bosnia and Herzegovinian agriculture
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Press Release
05 March 2025
Poziv za učešće u lokalnim dijaloškim platformama u partnerskim zajednicama PBF projekta Dijalog za budućnost 3
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Press Release
05 March 2025
FAO helps local communities help themselves to a more sustainable future
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The Sustainable Development Goals in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Sustainable Development Goals are a global call to action to end poverty, protect the earth’s environment and climate, and ensure that people everywhere can enjoy peace and prosperity. These are the goals the UN is working on in Bosnia and Herzegovina:
07 July 2023
Call for applications within the project “Supporting local agricultural and rural development planning”
The call for application is implemented under the project titled “Supporting local agricultural and rural development planning” (TCP/BIH/3804) and is funded by the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The aim of the project is to support the enhancement of institutional capacities in rural development and community development planning, programming, coordination and implementation at cantonal and municipal levels in the Republika Srpska and in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Rationale for intervention
Under the TCP/BIH/3804 project seven Agriculture and Rural Development Plans are under formulation in the Republika Srpska and two in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to the Plans sustainable development of rural communities are vital for creating lasting positive change in the country. Sound planning and strategizing at the local level results in more targeted public sector interventions and expenditures related to rural development and agriculture, which leads to improved sustainable management of natural resources and better economic well-being of the rural communities in the long-run.
The project is implemented in Una-Sana Canton and city of Bihac in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the municipalities of Gacko, Rogatica, Rudo, Visegrad, Osmaci, Foca and the City of Zvornik in Republika Srpska – all of these local authorities have committed to developing and later adopting the Local Agriculture and Rural Development Plans following the guidance and support of FAO.
Agriculture has a strategic role in providing employment, nutrition and food security in the target municipalities. On farm processing and direct sale to intermediaries are the main marketing channels for the agriculture producers in the project areas, and in order to strengthen the market position of primary producers, a number of interventions are needed in the value chains of the priority agricultural products in the project areas.
In Republika Srpska this call for application is aimed for piloting funding of a few small-scale demonstration projects, corresponding with the strategic priorities defined by the Local Agriculture and Rural Development Plans of the municipalities listed below:
Osmaci: The municipality covers an area of 78,10 km². The municipality of Osmaci is located in the eastern part of Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina in a region that is regionally known as Srednje Podrinje or the Birač region. Using data from the 2013 Census, it was determined that the total number of inhabitants is 5,546. According to statistical records, 1,675 households live in the territory of the municipality, of which all households, as already mentioned, are located in an area classified as rural. The average age of the owner of an agricultural holding determined by survey research is 58 years. Agriculture of the region mainly includes subsistence and semi-subsistence farming. Land fragmentation, lack of agricultural machinery and technologies, abandoned lands, outmigration from the rural area and negative demographic trends are the main obstacles to agricultural development.
As priority value chains for development in Osmaci were selected raspberry production and distribution, beekeeping and honey production.
City of Zvornik: Zvornik is located in the eastern part of the Republika Srpska. The town of Zvornik lies on the eastern slopes of the Majevica mountain at an altitude of 146 m. The area of the city of Zvornik is 382 km2. Using data from the 2013 Census, 54,407 inhabitants live in the territory of the city of Zvornik. According to statistical records, 17,690 households live in the city area, of which we can assume that 80% are rural households. The average age of the owner of an agricultural holding determined by survey research is 59 years. The food sector in this city is one of the strongest in the project area. Despite the relatively high production, small and medium farmers are facing similar constraints as in small municipalities: a strong focus on primary production and challenges related to the storage and marketing of the produce.
As a priority value chain for development in the city of Zvornik was selected fruit production and processing, both organic and conventional.
Višegrad is located in the eastern part of the Republika Srpska. The area of Višegrad is 448 km2. Using data from the 2013 Census, 10.118 inhabitants live in Višegrad. The total rural population is 5,289, or 49.6%. Despite the accelerated development of urban tourism in the area of this municipality, this growth did not spread to rural areas and agricultural development, and the main reason is migration from rural areas and negative demographic trends.
As priority value chains for development in Višegrad were selected raspberry production and processing, greenhouse production, honey production and beekeeping.
Rogatica: The municipality of Rogatica is located in the middle of the eastern part of the Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina, on an area of 645.92 km2. According to the results of the last population census in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2013), the total number of inhabitants in the Municipality of Rogatica was 10,302. About 40% of the population lives in the rural part of the municipality. This is the largest agricultural area within the project site in terms of resources and production intensity. However, despite a good resource base, there is a low degree of product finalization and added value.
As priority value chains for development in Rogatica were selected production and geographic identity protection of rogatic potatoes, meat production and processing in the cow-calf system, and milk production and processing.
Rudo: The territory of the municipality of Rudo is located on the triple border of Republika Srpska, Serbia and Montenegro. The area is distinctly hilly and mountainous, with villages scattered and intersected by mountain passes on an area of 344 km2. According to the results of the last population census in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2013), the total number of inhabitants in Rudo Municipality was 7,578 inhabitants in 89 associated settlements. The rural population numbers 6,203 people or 77.9% of the total. Despite the modest resource base, the small number of farms and low economic development, the municipality is distinguished by a strong agricultural cooperative and good projects of established value chains in raspberry production and milk processing, which should be further developed.
As priority value chains for development in Rudo were selected, raspberry production and distribution, milk production and processing, and rural tourism.
Foča: The municipality of Foča is located in the southeastern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, within the Republika Srpska entity. Foča is located on the banks of the Drina River. The municipality of Foča covers an area of 1,115 km2. According to the 2013 census, the municipality had 18,288 inhabitants. 7,051, or 38.6% of the population, live in rural areas. The municipality, which lies in the heart of the national park and which does not sufficiently take advantage of the links that can be developed between agriculture and tourism, needs to strengthen value chains in fruit growing and meat and milk production through the improvement of production and processing technology.
As priority value chains for development in Foča were selected meat and milk production and processing, plum and raspberry production and processing, and beekeeping and honey production.
Gacko: The municipality of Gacko is located in the southeast of Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In terms of altitude, it is the highest mountain part of Herzegovina, with an average altitude above 1000 meters above sea level. The altitude of the Gacko settlement is 956 meters above sea level. The surface area of the municipality is 736 km². According to the results of the last census in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2013), the total number of inhabitants in the Municipality of Gacko was 8,710 inhabitants in 71 associated settlements. Of the total number of inhabitants, 40% live in rural parts of the municipality. Gacko is a typical mountain municipality with recognizable animal products that easily find their place on the market but which should be branded and protected so that the added value and benefit for the producer would be greater.
As priority value chains for development in Gacko were selected, Gacko cream (kajmak) production, beekeeping and honey production.
In the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, this call for application is aimed for piloting funding of a few small-scale demonstration projects, corresponding with the strategic priorities defined by the Strategy of Agriculture and Rural Development for the Period 2023 -2027 for Una-Sana Canton and by the Local Plan of Agriculture and Rural Development for the Period 2023-2027 of City of Bihać:
Una-Sana Canton: The Una-Sana Canton is located in the extreme north-western part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, bordering the southern and south-eastern parts of the Republic of Croatia. It is one of the ten cantons of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and with an area of 4,125 km2 it covers 15.8% of the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, i.e. 8.1% of the total territory of BiH. In the territorial-political system this Canton is organized by eight local self-government units (municipalities/cities): Bihać, Bosanska Krupa, Bosanski Petrovac, Bužim, Cazin, Ključ, Sanski Most and Velika Kladuša. In 2021 the Canton area was populated with 264,248 inhabitants, out of which 13.42% are under 14 years old and 14.35% are over 65 years old. According to the 2013 Census, a total of 78,255 households live in the area of the Una-Sana Canton, of which 60.98% or 47,718 households are located in rural settlements and 39.02% or 30,537 households in the urban part of the Canton. Favourable climatic conditions and available land resources enable a greater number of agricultural productions, but as in most of the BiH, the agricultural sector faces numerous problems such as small holdings, poor equipment and low technical-technological levels of production.
As priority value chains for development in Una-Sana Canton were selected beekeeping and honey production, meat production and processing.
City of Bihać: The city of Bihać is located in the north-western part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, administratively belongs to the entity of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and is the administrative, economic, cultural, university and sports centre of the Una-Sana Canton. The city of Bihać covers an area of 900 km2, which is 21.8% of the territory of the Una-Sana Canton and 1.7% of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The average altitude is 224 meters; most of the territory of the City is located on terrains up to 600 meters above sea level, while its smaller part is located in the mountain and hill-mountain zone at an altitude of over 900 meters. In 2021, a total of 55,291 inhabitants lived in the City of Bihać. According to the data from the Census, in 2013, a total of 18,293 households lived in the area of the City of Bihać, out of which 26.66% or 4,877 households were located in rural settlements, and 73.34% or 13,416 households in the urban part of the City. Agricultural production is an important part of the City's economy, especially vegetable and milk production, and recently honey production has experienced a special expansion.
As priority value chains for development in the City of Bihać were selected vegetable production and distribution.
All these municipalities and cities, to a greater or lesser extent, are characterized by large spatial dispersal, lack of organization of agricultural production and poorly developed value chains. In terms of value chain improvement, two directions were identified. One direction refers to production, which is characterised by the low level of production technology, low yields, lack of equipment and mechanization, and lack of access to knowledge and information. The second direction refers to the processing, which in most cases takes place on the farm and is performed by women, where there is a lack of quality and safety checks lack of adequate packaging, resulting to the exclusion of traditional products from formal marketing channels.
Women’s high involvement in manual activities, as well as unpaid housework, including care work, leads to their economic dependency and invisibility of their work. The lack of opportunities for youth to be employed in rural areas is another challenge due to the limited number of full-time jobs in these rural areas. It leads the young generation to move to the towns and cities and leaves them uncertain about their future. This leaves elderly households with no labour force for the extension of agriculture production and larger agriculture households with a lack of seasonal workers to be hired, which creates great need in automation and digitalisation of the production process.
These crucial factors create the necessity to encourage and support those most marginalized groups to participate in and benefit from the intervention. Specifically, it is needed to support youth, women, people with disabilities and others in the key relevant areas (relevant to the grant measure) where they already figure prominently.
Sustainable development of rural areas cannot be achieved successfully without improvement of competitiveness of the agricultural sector, including technical-technological renewal, support of valuable economic initiatives, support of agricultural holdings, smallholders and family farms and local population through rural development grant programmes.
During the implementation of this project and preparation of LARDs, FAO national consultants, in cooperation with the private sector and representatives of local self-government, defined activities for the improvement of value chains at each of the communities within the project area which should contribute to the improvement of competitiveness of producers and producer organisation, but also to the improvement of quality of life in rural areas.
Scope and actions
According to the local Agriculture and Rural Development Plans formulated in each of the target municipalities, existing production in the communities is limited to primary products, whereas to increase income of the local population, it is crucial to develop the value chains. The current technological and equipment levels of the agricultural sector in the communities necessitate their further support, which will largely contribute to the improvement of competitiveness and income generation in the communities. Therefore, the measure targets the support of the following direction through two sub-measures:
Measure 1: Investments in tools and equipment for value adding to agricultural products:
Agricultural processing equipment; small agriculture machines.
Equipment and tools for marketing, sorting and packaging.
Measure 2: Investments in infrastructure related to primary agricultural production:
Irrigation equipment, greenhouses, etc.
Each applicant can apply to only one measure.
Territorial scope
Eligible grant projects may only be implemented in Una-Sana Canton and city of Bihać in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and municipalities of Gacko, Rogatica, Rudo, Visegrad, Osmaci, Foca and the City of Zvornik in the Republika Srpska that are the project sites which have been pre-identified and recommended by the state and entity-level governments during the development of the Technical Cooperation Project TCP/BIH/3804 – “Supporting local agricultural and rural development planning”.
Applicants: Who may apply?
The aim of the small-scale investment intervention is to make a benefit for the maximum of local people, not only the individual. Therefore, those interventions will be found eligible, which bring benefits to the majority of the community directly or indirectly.
Producers’ or farmers’ associations, organizations and unions; cooperatives, for which agriculture is either the main or additional field of activity and other types of membership-based organizations, which among other things, are involved in agriculture that are legally registered and operating in one of the locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina mentioned under section 3, have a bank account, are not in the state of bankruptcy and have not received the same type of tool/equipment under another grant support during the last 1 year are eligible to apply on this call.
Duration of the projects
The deadline for the realization of the grant project activities is 31st December 2023.
Deadline for submission of the applications:
The deadline for submission of applications is 21st July 2023, at 17:00.
Further information related to the administration and submission procedure can be found in the documents below.
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Press Release
05 July 2023
Presenting the joint United Nations project "Women Driving Resilience in Agriculture and Rural Areas"
Women make up as much as 49.8% of the population in rural areas, and only 38.3% of women are owners or co-owners of agricultural land. Of the actively employed women in BiH, 20.5% of them work in agriculture, while only 18.3% of agricultural farms are run by women. The joint project of UN Women BiH and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), financed by Sweden, aims to remove the structural barriers faced by women in rural areas through the introduction of technologies that would save time and make their work easier, as well as to present innovative sources of financing. Through training women in rural areas to better cope with the specific challenges of doing business in agriculture, the project will improve living standards, as well as the socio-economic position of families in rural areas.
"It is a great honor for us that the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina will take part in the Steering Committee of this project, and that we will provide our expertise in its implementation. We are also glad that we will have the opportunity to expand cooperation with entity ministries in the creation of strategies for agriculture that will especially focus on gender equality," said Slobodan Cvijanović, Assistant Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
„Today the UN team in Bosnia and Herzegovina is strengthening our support to the critical role of women in agriculture and rural development. Whilst just over 20 percent of women in BiH work in agricultural activities in rural areas, according to the Sarajevo Economic Institute (2018), many are engaged in the lower value chain activities with less decision-making authority and profitability. Women in rural areas therefore represent an important, yet still untapped, resource for the country. The UN is looking forward to working with all stakeholders, especially rural communities, agricultural producers, government counterparts and the women themselves, to improve the lives of women in rural areas across BiH, which will in turn benefit the broader social and economic development of the country,“ said Ingrid Macdonald, UN BiH Resident Coordinator.
“Equal opportunities for all, including gender equality, is important to Sweden and is an integral part of everything we support. That is why we are pleased to fund this project that will empower women in agriculture and rural areas to better manage challenges they are facing. The aim of the project is an improved environment for women and girls engaged in agricultural activities supporting them in advancing their socio-economic position,” said Eva Gibson Smedberg, Head of Development Cooperation at the Embassy of Sweden in Sarajevo.
A meeting of the project’s Steering Committee was also held today, consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH, Agency for Gender Equality of BiH, Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry of FBiH, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of RS, as well as representatives of Sweden and UN agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
These activities are part of continuous work of UN Women on economic empowerment of women in BiH, as well as continuous support to women in agriculture and in rural areas, supported by Sweden. Since 2021, UN Women has been working to establish cooperation in this area with municipalities and cities throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina from both entities.
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05 July 2023
WHO 75: 75 Years in Service of Improving Public Health
The first half of the 20th century saw some of the most tragic and destructive global events in human history. Societies have suffered a devastating loss of lives, food scarcity, destroyed public health services, and an unprecedented number of displaced persons.
There were legitimate concerns that epidemic outbreaks would rapidly spread throughout the population, such as the one known as the Spanish flu at the end of the World War I, with estimated deaths ranging from 17 – to 50 million people.
In April 1945, leaders from around the world gathered in San Francisco, United States of America, to establish the United Nations. At the meeting, they also agreed on the creation of another global organisation, specifically devoted to global health rather than global politics, an organisation that would prevent and control disease so that everyone could attain health and wellbeing at the highest possible level.
The World Health Organization (WHO) was established three years later, with its constitution coming into effect on 7 April 1948, marked from then on as World Health Day.
The WHO Charter, or its constitution, states that health is a fundamental human right that every human being is entitled to "without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition" and that "the health of all peoples is fundamental to the attainment of peace and security."
Public health has changed dramatically in the 75 years since the launch of the World Health Organization.
Over the past seven and a half decades, there has been extraordinary progress in protecting people from diseases and destruction, including smallpox eradication, reducing the incidence of polio by 99%, saving millions of lives through childhood immunisation, declines in maternal mortality, and improvement of health and well-being for millions more.
However, the successes so far do not mean that WHO’s work is finished. There are new, critical health threats, such as COVID-19 or climate change- related events, and these are expected to become more frequent and more severe. That is one of the reasons WHO is urging Member States to take action to place health high on the political and development agenda and increase investments in health.
The health workforce is critical. Continuous and increasing investments in education, skills, and decent jobs for health need to be prioritised to meet the rapidly growing demand for health and addressing changing health needs. Without drastic change, a shortage of 10 million health workers is projected by 2030, primarily in low- and middle-income countries.
"We have to work hard at coming together to confront these health threats. This means thinking beyond nationalistic priorities, it means coming together around joint priorities, and most importantly, it means supporting organisations like WHO that work for the collective good," stated Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General.
One of the actions WHO has achieved, in collaboration with Member States, is taking action to promote health by preventing disease and addressing the root causes of ill health. This resulted that between 2017 and 2022, 133 governments increased an existing or introduced a new tax on products that harm health, such as tobacco and sugary drinks.
What’s in the future for WHO?
At this year’s Seventy-sixth World Health Assembly, the UN agency’s decision-making body, Dr Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, warned that the end of COVID-19 as a global health emergency is not the end of COVID-19 as a global health threat, urging countries to prioritise primary healthcare as the foundation of universal health coverage.
"The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that protecting health is fundamental to our economies, societies, security and stability," said the WHO Director-General.
Learning from the worst pandemic in recent history, WHO stands ready to support the world's countries as they negotiate a pandemic accord, the revision of the International Health Regulations (2005), and other financial, governance, and operational initiatives to prepare the world for future pandemics.
Over the past five years, WHO has invested in science and digital health, creating a science division. The investment has come at the time when science is under sustained attack every day. Disseminating evidence-based and scientifically underpinned information is of the utmost importance. Countries must protect the public from misinformation and disinformation, the results of such actions are still alive in our minds and even in our lives still. The future of health depends on how well all of us, together, power health through science, research, innovation, data, digital technologies and partnerships.
"The history of WHO demonstrates what is possible when nations come together for a common purpose," said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who has led the organisation through the COVID-19 pandemic.
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13 June 2023
LGBTIQ+ refugees and asylum-seekers must feel safe and accepted
Local community as a whole must send a message to LGBTIQ+ refugees and asylum-seekers that they are welcome in BiH, safe and accepted.
Even though BiH government, civil sector and local community are giving their best to welcome LGBTIQ+ refugees and asylum-seekers, there are still some challenges that we are all facing as a community.
“In the year when the humankind is marking the 75th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights, when we think that a lot has been done, we are still facing certain challenges. For example, among asylum-seekers, same sex couples are not recognized as families, and are often put in different accommodations far away from each other,”
said Gabrijela Rubić, Project Manager at UNHCR’s partner Bosnia and Herzegovina Women’s Initiative (BHWI), during a panel discussion organized by BiH Pride March with support from UNHCR.
The discussion followed a screening of a Mexican film Luciernagas (Fireflies), which depicts a deeply human story about a young gay man who fled from persecution in Iran and ended up living in the limbo of exile, far from everything he knows, in the tropical port town of Veracruz, Mexico. While dealing with the distance between himself and his loved ones, he began to discover a new life, and started to integrate into the new community.
“Throughout our long-term experience working with refugees and asylum-seekers, including with LGBTIQ+ persons, we have seen many similar cases like in the film. Some scenes from the film reminded me of situations we had with refugees who thought us how to dance Salsa while we thought them how to dance Bosnian ‘kolo’,” said Rubić.
LGBTIQ+ refugees and asylum-seekers feel alone in often homophobic environments. They often fear for their safety, fear from rape threats and are additionally isolated.
“We need to invest in constant education of a wider community,” said Marija Šarić, Project Manager at NGO Wings of Hope, concluding that all parts of our community have responsibility to provide hospitality to all refugees.
“The workshop that we had last year with LGBTIQ+ refugees and asylum-seekers and local community, with support from UNHCR, had provided a safe environment for those people and an environment where they felt accepted. Many of them felt uncomfortable going back to their temporary accommodations afterwards. This shows that civil sector and donor community should invest additional efforts in similar activities and projects that will ensure that these people feel physically safe and accepted,” said Mirjana Gavrić, psychotherapist.
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30 June 2023
Macdonald: Media freedom is of central importance for UN in BiH and the world
The Resident Coordinator of the United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ingrid Macdonald, noted Monday at the conference 'Media Innovation and Trends - Media Freedom and Shaping the Future of Media' organized by the FBiH News Agency (FENA) in Sarajevo that media freedoms are a topic that is of central importance for the United Nations not only in Bosnia and Herzegovina but around the world.
“This is something we're working on and support, not only as representatives of the UN Secretary-General in BiH but also UNESCO, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and others,” said Macdonald, who was the keynote speaker of the first panel at the conference.
Concerned about the situation in which the media and journalists are at the global level, she stated that the UN has established a comprehensive Plan of Action for the Safety of Journalists to end impunity for crimes committed against them.
“We're not just talking about physical attacks, but also online, economic and legal attacks. There are many ways to attack and threaten journalists,” Macdonald said.
In recent statements during World Press Freedom Day, she recalled, the UN Secretary-General emphasized the need to address attacks on journalists and stressed the importance of halting attacks on those who speak the truth.
“Unfortunately, we didn't notice that the situation at the global level has improved. Journalists and truth are still and to an increasing extent victims,” she said.
As an example, she cited the Covid-19 pandemic campaign, where there is great concern that facts are being misinterpreted, used and abused.
“This is often seen here on the political side, but also in other areas, such as climate change. Not only are journalists attacked, but also scientists, doctors, technicians and others. This causes great concern of the UN,” said Macdonald.
Speaking about Bosnia, she said that the latest developments on the political scene, especially the proposed criminalization of insult and slander, cause concern, and that this could be used to suppress critical voices in the media and among journalists.
She added that the comments of UN Special Rapporteurs on freedom of opinion, expression, freedom of peaceful assembly and association, especially the criminalization of insults, are definitive and explicit in terms of democratic standards, and freedom of expression is very important, and it is necessary to achieve that balance.
“It is important that the authorities withdraw the proposed draft amendments and the criminalization of defamation and insults because they are contrary to the standards,” Macdonald noted.
The UN office in BiH, she said, published a comprehensive report on the safety of journalists, and does so continuously in order to highlight the importance of the topic.
“Many will say that there are numerous challenges that journalists face in performing their work. Not only are there political pressures on the media that are noticeable, but also economic pressures, verbal attacks, threats, online and judicial harassment, limiting the right to access information,” she stressed.
She concluded by saying that the UN is fully dedicated to providing support and facilitating journalists’ work in BiH, ensuring better protection of journalists in a more favourable environment for the media.
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09 February 2025
The Dialogue for the Future Launches Partnerships with 10 Local Communities for Building Sustainable Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina
This significant event, held at the United Nations building in Sarajevo, underscored the importance of empowering local communities as key actors in building trust and social cohesion.The event also marked ten years of continuous work on fostering dialogue, trust, and cooperation through the DFF initiative. Launched in 2014 as a partnership between the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the United Nations, the initiative has become a cornerstone for promoting youth empowerment, gender equality, and community engagement—values that remain central to sustainable and inclusive peacebuilding efforts in the country."Today we are celebrating ten years of ‘Dialogue for the Future’ by signing new partnerships with ten local communities — the backbone of sustainable peace," said Ingrid Macdonald, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Bosnia and Herzegovina. "Dialogue for the Future is one of the United Nation’s flagship programmes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and we will continue to build on its many successes, reaffirming our commitment to fostering inclusive, resilient communities that amplify voices seeking to build trust and prosperity across the country."DFF3 is part of a broader initiative supported by the United Nations Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund (PBF), a global instrument providing strategic support to countries in peacebuilding processes. This phase of the initiative is jointly implemented by UNDP in BiH, UNESCO Antenna Office in Sarajevo, and UNICEF in BiH, in close partnership with the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Over the past decade, Dialogue for the Future has reached more than 600,000 individuals, including young leaders, educators, and community members. It has implemented 63 initiatives, including 19 cross-border cooperation projects fostering regional collaboration, developed policy documents in critical areas, and established 30 local dialogue platforms. Additionally, over 1,200 young people, 490 educators, and 108 journalists have been trained to promote peace and social cohesion. The program’s impact has played a key role in Bosnia and Herzegovina's eligibility for support from the Peacebuilding Fund, making it one of just 24 countries with full access to this vital resource.The ceremony concluded with the signing of plaques and the presentation of certificates to representatives from the ten partner communities, chosen based on a thorough analysis, to actively participate in the DFF3 project - Bosanska Krupa, Doboj, Glamoč, Gornji Vakuf–Uskoplje, Milići, Mostar, Stolac, Teslić, Tuzla, and Zvornik. The selection process involved mapping all 145 local government units in Bosnia and Herzegovina, conducting field visits to 30 communities, and assessing their needs according to clearly defined criteria., filtered_html
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30 January 2025
Celebrating 10 years of the Dialogue for the Future initiative
Building on these successes, DFF3 aims to empower youth, women, and local communities while further strengthening dialogue and social cohesion across Bosnia and Herzegovina. This phase benefits from the continued support and collaboration of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which initiated DFF in partnership with the United Nations in 2014. Additionally, the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH has joined this phase, contributing to the project's implementation in the areas of culture, youth, and education. The project remains supported by the PBF and is being jointly implemented by UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina, UNESCO Antenna Office in Sarajevo, and UNICEF Bosnia and Herzegovina, on behalf of the United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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30 January 2025
Peacebuilding stories
Schools are more than just places of learning—they are spaces where young people shape their futures and build lifelong connections. Yet, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, many students grow up without opportunities to meet peers from different communities. The “Sustaining Peace and Social Cohesion in BiH" project, funded by the UN Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) and implemented by IOM and UNDP, is changing that by bringing students and teachers together to learn, collaborate, and form friendships. This activity is part of a $3.5 million initiative, running from December 2022 to June 2025. By pairing 16 schools across Bosnia and Herzegovina as "sister schools", the program gives students and teachers the opportunity to visit one another, exchange ideas, and explore new environments.
For Nejla Zukančić, a high school student from Bosanski Petrovac, joining the project meant meeting students from Drvar for the first time. “My friend and I spent days preparing for this event, were really excited to connect, share experiences, and make new friends.” For Monika Bandov, a teacher from Drvar, the experience was just as meaningful. “I had never visited Bosanski Petrovac before, and I’m so grateful for this opportunity. It’s been a pleasure to come here with my students, see how another school operates, and spend time with new colleagues and friends.” Through these exchanges, students build confidence, break down barriers, and develop leadership skills. Older students also take on mentoring roles, helping younger peers feel included and supported. “Over the past 14 months, I’ve grown so much. I overcame my fear of public speaking, developed new skills, and, most importantly, made lasting friendships. We stay in touch daily and often meet up. These experiences have truly enriched my school life". — Nejla.
More than 700 students and 74 teachers have participated in activities, including Critical Thinking Clubs, run by project partner The Center for Educational Initiatives Step by Step. These clubs give students a chance to discuss important topics, learn from each other, and gain new perspectives. “It was an incredible experience! I met so many new friends from different communities, and together, we explored new ideas, learned about values, and thought of ways to improve our schools.” — Alma Suljić, high school student, Livno.This project is not just about connecting schools, but about creating a lasting impact on the students and teachers involved. To date, 2,480 students and teachers have benefited from the program, with additional support from implementing partners like the Association Centre for Educational Initiatives “Step by Step,” the Association “Psiholuminis” Prijedor, and the United Nations Volunteers (UNV).
By fostering relationships across communities, the project is helping shape a more connected and peaceful future for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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For Nejla Zukančić, a high school student from Bosanski Petrovac, joining the project meant meeting students from Drvar for the first time. “My friend and I spent days preparing for this event, were really excited to connect, share experiences, and make new friends.” For Monika Bandov, a teacher from Drvar, the experience was just as meaningful. “I had never visited Bosanski Petrovac before, and I’m so grateful for this opportunity. It’s been a pleasure to come here with my students, see how another school operates, and spend time with new colleagues and friends.” Through these exchanges, students build confidence, break down barriers, and develop leadership skills. Older students also take on mentoring roles, helping younger peers feel included and supported. “Over the past 14 months, I’ve grown so much. I overcame my fear of public speaking, developed new skills, and, most importantly, made lasting friendships. We stay in touch daily and often meet up. These experiences have truly enriched my school life". — Nejla.
More than 700 students and 74 teachers have participated in activities, including Critical Thinking Clubs, run by project partner The Center for Educational Initiatives Step by Step. These clubs give students a chance to discuss important topics, learn from each other, and gain new perspectives. “It was an incredible experience! I met so many new friends from different communities, and together, we explored new ideas, learned about values, and thought of ways to improve our schools.” — Alma Suljić, high school student, Livno.This project is not just about connecting schools, but about creating a lasting impact on the students and teachers involved. To date, 2,480 students and teachers have benefited from the program, with additional support from implementing partners like the Association Centre for Educational Initiatives “Step by Step,” the Association “Psiholuminis” Prijedor, and the United Nations Volunteers (UNV).
By fostering relationships across communities, the project is helping shape a more connected and peaceful future for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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30 January 2025
Harnessing the Power of Creative Industries for Change
Empowering Women Through Film and DialogueBosnia and Herzegovina’s influential creative platforms—the Sarajevo Film Festival and Al Jazeera Balkans Documentary Film Festival (AJB Doc)— are not just about showcasing films but also creating spaces for meaningful dialogue on important social topics. At the 30th Sarajevo Film Festival, powerful discussions explored feminism and the rising issue of femicide in the region. Through the insights of playwrights, filmmakers, and cultural activists, the panel called for a shift in the cultural narrative, pushing for stronger legal frameworks and grassroots activism to combat femicide. In addition, the project also supported the 30th Sarajevo Film Festival Female Voices CineLink Award. This award highlights the work of women in the film industry, providing a platform for emerging female filmmakers to showcase their talent and stories. The collaboration underscores the importance of amplifying women's voices within the film industry, fostering greater representation and diversity in storytelling. In partnership with the project, AJB Doc hosted the panel “Violence Against Women: A Societal Problem, Not a Private Incident” that brought together filmmakers, activists, and community leaders to call for collective action and institutional accountability.In addition, this partnership also featured workshop on smartphone documentary production to empower young filmmakers to tell women’s stories, with the best documentary to be featured at the next festival. Podcasting for Peace and SecurityPodcasting has emerged as a dynamic medium for advocacy. The “Oslobođena” (“Liberated”) podcast dedicated an episode to the critical role of women in achieving sustainable peace. It explored how women’s testimonies shape international judicial processes while addressing ongoing gender disparities in sectors like healthcare and law enforcement. The podcast raised awareness and deepened understanding of the intersection between women’s security and lasting peace.Training Journalists for Gender-Sensitive ReportingThe project has also focused on empowering media professionals. In Banja Luka and Sarajevo, “Reporting on the Women, Peace and Security Agenda” workshops trained over 30 journalists and journalism students in gender-sensitive reporting. These workshops equipped participants to elevate women’s issues, advocate for gender equality, and amplify marginalized voices. This new generation of journalists is now poised to challenge stereotypes and advocate for a more equitable society., filtered_html
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16 January 2025
Irma Burkić: This is not an easy job, but we are investing in our future
They inherited the livestock business, raising sheep and cows, from Nedžad’s parents. Irma spearheaded the idea to expand, leading to the establishment of a farm with a shop. Today, their shop has become a regular stop for many travelers, who frequently purchase homemade cheese and butter from their production.“In our domestic production, we make Livno hard cheese, fresh cheeses, and butter. These have been produced in the family for years, but my husband and I managed to open a shop that is now widely known, attracting customers from all over to buy our products. This was a big step forward because registering the business made the production much more professional and motivated us to do more and better,” Irma explains.Currently, their farm has around 300 sheep and 20 cows. Irma jokingly notes they don’t need certification because their products sell out within 24 hours of being made. In addition to dairy products, they produce meat for their family, and she takes pride in ensuring her family enjoys healthy, organic food.“Raising livestock is a daily commitment—you don’t get vacations or days off. To maintain quality and consistent production, you must be dedicated every day. I take care of the cows, and my husband manages the sheep. It’s not an easy job; it requires constant effort, but at least we know we’re investing in our future,” says Irma. A key goal of the project “Women Driving Resilience in Agriculture and Rural Areas” is to ensure that women rural entrepreneurs in Bosnia and Herzegovina are visible, included, and recognized as key actors in the development of rural areas. To ensure the relevance and effectiveness of project activities, consultative research included women entrepreneurs like Irma Burkić at various stages.Women rural entrepreneurs participated in a series of consultative workshops organized across BiH, sharing their experiences, challenges, and recommendations for starting and running their agribusinesses. Focus groups provided insights from women in diverse rural communities, shaping the strategic directions of the project to align with their real needs and priorities.Despite the demanding nature of farm work, Irma’s dream of a thriving business will be complete once they can hire additional staff for the shop, allowing her and her family some well-deserved rest. Still, she adds that if given the choice, she would choose the same path again.The visit to Ecolife Farm was part of the “Women Driving Resilience in Agriculture and Rural Areas” project, aimed at recognizing rural women entrepreneurs as pivotal to rural development in BiH. The project is supported by Sweden and jointly implemented by UN Women and FAO. , filtered_html
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Press Release
05 March 2025
FAO helps local communities help themselves to a more sustainable future
The project “Supporting local agricultural and rural development planning” was implemented in seven municipalities in Republika Srpska: Gacko, Rogatica, Rudo, Visegrad, Osmaci, Foca and City of Zvornik, and in Una-Sana Canton and in the City of Bihac in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These communities have committed to develop and later adopt the local agricultural and rural development plans, following the guidance and support of FAO.
Local communities are essential for sustainable development in rural areas due to their understanding of local ecosystems. Effective planning involves community engagement, tailored agricultural practices, and sustainable resource management based on traditional ecological knowledge. Capacity building through training empowers residents, while collaboration with stakeholders enhances initiatives. Economic growth is supported by investments that improve livelihoods. Local planning also aids in progress monitoring, boosts resilience to environmental and market changes, and protects cultural identities.
A milestone was the adoption of the Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy in Una Sana Canton. The document is a strategic framework for promoting sustainable development in agricultural and rural areas of the Canton, in alignment with national strategies, specifically the country’s Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy (2021–2027) and Bosnia and Herzegovina's Rural Development Plan (2022–2027). The framework aims to enhance dynamic development of the agricultural sector and rural areas within the Canton while considering its comparative advantages and ensure effective allocation of budget resources to meet local needs.
Within a timeframe from 2023 to 2027, the strategy adopts an inclusive approach that prioritises the needs of relevant actors, empowers women, and includes youth, with a strong emphasis on economic, social, and environmental sustainability. This shift reflects a commitment to improving the quality of life in rural areas through focused actions.
“We have included all relevant actors in the agriculture sector for drafting this document. From local organizations and communities to government institutions and national experts and education institutions in the field of agriculture. Our aim was to make a document which will be perfectly tailored to the concrete needs of the community, not merely adjusted to their needs but based on their actual needs and requirements,” states Vlado Pijunovic, FAO National Project Coordinator.
Helping rural areas thriveAddressing significant challenges such as rural depopulation, the framework aims to secure necessary attention and resources for rural initiatives in Una-Sana Canton Bosnia and Herzegovina. Special attention was paid to gender issues and worrying negative population trends to ensure equal opportunities for women and on retaining and attracting young agricultural producers.
“The new strategy increases the allocated budget for women in rural areas to ten percent, higher than any other category, and the one for young producers is at five percent of the total budget. The strategy makes a great leap forward in ensuring the financial means within the budget, creating realistic conditions for rural development, so the population not merely stays and survives but actually prospers in this area,” explains Rasima Bobic, Assistant Minister for Agriculture, Rural Development and Financial Support at Una-Sana Canton Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
A multi-stakeholder working group was formed to create development and action plans with support from FAO. The group prioritised a participatory approach by organizing workshops and consultations to gather input from all stakeholders, including rural youth, women, and other vulnerable groups.
This ensured that all benefits and efforts coming from all the levels of government are harmonized so that small and medium-sized producers can be strengthened and their farms self-sustainable through diversification of activities. Furthermore, the strategy regulates the production control system from the farm to the table, the permitting system for construction of production facilities, compliance with European Union standards on agriculture and farming, and a gender balanced budget approach.
“The Strategy is a basic roadmap document for agriculture and rural development and gives a direction for the government in which to act. This is valid till 2027, after which we will assess and see what we have done and how much, to make the next one even better, with the full backing of all levels of authority,” concludes Bobic.
Empowering communities is crucial for sustainable development and for enhancing both environmental and economic outcomes. Additionally, strong local ownership of the agricultural and rural development plans of the Municipalities and the Cantonal strategy is key to ensuring the long-term sustainability of project results. , filtered_html
Local communities are essential for sustainable development in rural areas due to their understanding of local ecosystems. Effective planning involves community engagement, tailored agricultural practices, and sustainable resource management based on traditional ecological knowledge. Capacity building through training empowers residents, while collaboration with stakeholders enhances initiatives. Economic growth is supported by investments that improve livelihoods. Local planning also aids in progress monitoring, boosts resilience to environmental and market changes, and protects cultural identities.
A milestone was the adoption of the Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy in Una Sana Canton. The document is a strategic framework for promoting sustainable development in agricultural and rural areas of the Canton, in alignment with national strategies, specifically the country’s Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy (2021–2027) and Bosnia and Herzegovina's Rural Development Plan (2022–2027). The framework aims to enhance dynamic development of the agricultural sector and rural areas within the Canton while considering its comparative advantages and ensure effective allocation of budget resources to meet local needs.
Within a timeframe from 2023 to 2027, the strategy adopts an inclusive approach that prioritises the needs of relevant actors, empowers women, and includes youth, with a strong emphasis on economic, social, and environmental sustainability. This shift reflects a commitment to improving the quality of life in rural areas through focused actions.
“We have included all relevant actors in the agriculture sector for drafting this document. From local organizations and communities to government institutions and national experts and education institutions in the field of agriculture. Our aim was to make a document which will be perfectly tailored to the concrete needs of the community, not merely adjusted to their needs but based on their actual needs and requirements,” states Vlado Pijunovic, FAO National Project Coordinator.
Helping rural areas thriveAddressing significant challenges such as rural depopulation, the framework aims to secure necessary attention and resources for rural initiatives in Una-Sana Canton Bosnia and Herzegovina. Special attention was paid to gender issues and worrying negative population trends to ensure equal opportunities for women and on retaining and attracting young agricultural producers.
“The new strategy increases the allocated budget for women in rural areas to ten percent, higher than any other category, and the one for young producers is at five percent of the total budget. The strategy makes a great leap forward in ensuring the financial means within the budget, creating realistic conditions for rural development, so the population not merely stays and survives but actually prospers in this area,” explains Rasima Bobic, Assistant Minister for Agriculture, Rural Development and Financial Support at Una-Sana Canton Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
A multi-stakeholder working group was formed to create development and action plans with support from FAO. The group prioritised a participatory approach by organizing workshops and consultations to gather input from all stakeholders, including rural youth, women, and other vulnerable groups.
This ensured that all benefits and efforts coming from all the levels of government are harmonized so that small and medium-sized producers can be strengthened and their farms self-sustainable through diversification of activities. Furthermore, the strategy regulates the production control system from the farm to the table, the permitting system for construction of production facilities, compliance with European Union standards on agriculture and farming, and a gender balanced budget approach.
“The Strategy is a basic roadmap document for agriculture and rural development and gives a direction for the government in which to act. This is valid till 2027, after which we will assess and see what we have done and how much, to make the next one even better, with the full backing of all levels of authority,” concludes Bobic.
Empowering communities is crucial for sustainable development and for enhancing both environmental and economic outcomes. Additionally, strong local ownership of the agricultural and rural development plans of the Municipalities and the Cantonal strategy is key to ensuring the long-term sustainability of project results. , filtered_html
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Press Release
05 March 2025
Women behind push for resilience Bosnia and Herzegovinian agriculture
The agricultural sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina faces significant gender disparities. Women account for nearly half (49 percent) of the rural population and 20 percent of employed women work in the agriculture sector, yet only 18 percent of farms are managed by women and only 38 percent of women own or have part-ownership of agricultural land. Women’s participation does not give them agency, decision-making authority, and equal voices with men. They face systemic barriers to resources and leadership opportunities. Strengthening capacities of women from rural areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina and supporting agriculture and rural development policies with an emphasis on gender equality are among the main goals of the project "Women Driving Resilience in Agriculture and Rural Areas," implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and UN Women and financed by Sweden.This joint project focuses on dismantling the structural barriers that women in rural areas face. By introducing solutions that streamline their work and provide innovative financing solutions, the initiative aims to empower these women. Training will equip them with the skills to navigate the unique challenges of agricultural business, ultimately enhancing living standards and improving the socio-economic status of families in rural communities. This holistic approach not only fosters individual growth but also contributes to broader community development.Learning from past achievements, the project engages successful women. “It is very important that our work, women’s work, is recognized. Women are still the centre of families, and it is important for them to show their economic acumen and contribution to household budgets,” states Dragana Milovic, chairperson of Gatacki kajmak association, consisting of 26 women cream cheese producers. According to her, “this work makes women visible and a force to reckoned with. It gives us a voice.” Dragana, an agricultural engineer by profession, takes great pride in her association's achievements. In just three years, women successfully registered the organization and obtained Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) status. These milestones not only recognise the quality and uniqueness of their products but also enhance the association's credibility and marketability. Obtaining the PDO status also means that all products must be made following the traditional procedures, some of which are undermined by the effects of climate change.“We notice the impact of climate change. For example, draught and high temperatures, especially this year, are forcing us to be ever more innovative in maintaining the traditional production protocols. Lack of water has direct impact on decreasing the milk production and higher temperatures demand artificial cooling of production facilities, instead of air drying of cream cheese, required in traditional production,” explains Dragana. Being heard demands a permanent seat at the table where the major decisions are made. FAO and UN Women are working to strengthen the capacities of women-farmers and producers to participate in all decisions on agricultural policies and budgetary programming. The project’s efforts are also focused on advocating for gender parity in managerial and decision-making positions in relevant ministries and institutions. As one of the solutions, changes in the strategic and legal framework are suggested according to which women farmers, who are not owners but are members of household farms have access to financial assistance funds. This would be a major step forward in ensuring that such household farms are viable and sustainable. Further efforts will be directed to assisting women farmers’ associations to establish a country-level organization, which will enable them to share assets, such as equipment, access wider markets and maybe most importantly – create a single platform on which they can articulate their demands and needs to authorities and institutions. “Currently, we still have great energy to do even bigger things in the future, but we need authorities and society to pay more attention to our work, which will enable us to expand our production and further secure the future of all women active in agrifood production,” concludes Dragana. Guidance and exchange of experiences among different women’s associations and unions is much needed and there are promising examples. According to Vlado Pijunovic, FAO National Project Coordinator, “there are some exceptionally well-organized associations who are doing great work. And it is important to support them so that they do not give up and stay determined to implement their plans. On the other hand, there are many women producers who still struggle to access markets or training, so the good experience of these associations serves as a stimulus for the formation of new ones.”Within the project, FAO works with women in different value chains to help them come together to find solutions to common problems and challenges. The project is creating platforms where women producers and their organizations can lead discussions and share experiences.“We have great communication channels with many associations of women in farming and other agrifood sectors. Their advice and directions were instrumental in our work, and we will do our outmost to continue supporting our efforts ensuring that women eventually take on leadership roles and contribute to sustainable agricultural practices, ultimately benefiting their communities and economies,” said Dragana. , filtered_html
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Press Release
05 March 2025
Poziv za učešće u lokalnim dijaloškim platformama u partnerskim zajednicama PBF projekta Dijalog za budućnost 3
Lokalne dijaloške platforme pružaju priliku građanima, mladima, predstavnicima civilnog društva, lokalnih vlasti, obrazovnih institucija i privrednog sektora da zajedno rade na jačanju društvene kohezije, izgradnji povjerenja i mira te razvoju konkretnih inicijativa koje poboljšavaju kvalitet života u njihovim zajednicama.Prijave su otvorene isključivo za predstavnike iz partnerskih lokalnih zajednica projekta Dijalog za budućnost 3: Bosanska Krupa, Glamoč, Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje, Milići, Mostar, Stolac, Teslić, i Zvornik.Lokalne dijaloške platforme ranije uspostavljene u Doboju i Tuzli nastavljaju s radom u tekućem mandatu.Kriteriji za prijavuPravo na učešće imaju isključivo predstavnici iz partnerskih lokalnih zajednica:Predstavnici lokalnih vlasti i gradskih/općinskih vijećaOrganizacije civilnog društvaOmladinske organizacije i vijeća mladihPredstavnici privrednog sektoraObrazovne i kulturne institucijePrednosti učešćaUčesnici će imati priliku da:Aktivno doprinesu donošenju odluka koje utiču na njihovu zajednicuRazvijaju projekte i inicijative u saradnji s ključnim akterimaKreiraju pozitivne promjene kroz dijalog, radionice i zajedničke akcijeNačin prijaveSvi zainteresovani kandidati iz partnerskih lokalnih zajednica trebaju dostaviti biografiju i motivacijsko pismo putem email adrese svoje lokalne zajednice, najkasnije do 10. marta 2025. godine u 14:00 sati.Ova inicijativa se provodi u okviru projekta Dijalog za budućnost 3, koji zajednički realizuju UNDP u Bosni i Hercegovini, UNICEF u Bosni i Hercegovini i UNESCO u ime Ujedinjenih nacija u Bosni i Hercegovini, u partnerstvu s Predsjedništvom Bosne i Hercegovine i Ministarstvom civilnih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine, uz podršku Fonda generalnog sekretara Ujedinjenih nacija za izgradnju mira (PBF).Detalji o prijavi za svaku partnersku lokalnu zajednicu dostupni su na sljedećim linkovima:Bosanska Krupa:č: Vakuf-Uskoplje:ći:ć:, filtered_html
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Press Release
04 March 2025
Statement by the United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina expresses concern over the adoption of the Law on the Special Register and Publicity of the Work of Non-Profit Organizations, receiving financial or other support from foreign sources, by the National Assembly of Republika Srpska. The restrictions introduced by this law are not in line with Bosnia and Herzegovina’s international human rights obligations and undermine the independence, autonomy, and work of civil society organizations, and as well as the right to freedom of expression.Effectively the same law was withdrawn from the legislative procedure last year following numerous criticisms, including by the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association, during his visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina in April 2024.The right to freedom of association not only includes the ability to establish and join an association but also the right to seek, receive, and use resources—human, material, and financial—from domestic and international sources.We call on political leaders to uphold their international commitments and take measures to protect the work of diverse and inclusive civil society organizations, as well as independent media, human rights defenders, and the judiciary, which are essential for a democratic and open society., filtered_html
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Press Release
18 February 2025
Livno Receives Inclusive Playground and Intersection Accessibility Upgrades for People with Mobility Impairments
These works were carried out in cooperation with the Livno City Administration, marking a significant step in creating a more accessible and inclusive urban environment in the city.The newly constructed inclusive playground, located near the PUŽ Association’s premises, is the first of its kind in Livno. It provides children with developmental disabilities a safe and accessible space to play and socialize with their peers. Equipped with specialized features, the playground ensures equal participation for all children, promoting their development through play. In addition to the playground, 74 intersections in Livno have been adapted. By removing architectural barriers and installing tactile markings, mobility and safety for people with mobility impairments have been significantly improved, enabling them greater independence and easier access to essential public services and institutions. These infrastructure interventions are part of the "Sustaining Peace and Social Cohesion in Bosnia and Herzegovina through Enhanced Inter-municipal and Inter-entity Cooperation on Local Services (SPSC)" project, supported by the PBF and implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), on behalf of the United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina., filtered_html
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23 February 2025
09 December 2024
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