The campaign was focused on the fight against sexual violence and harassment against women and girls in BiH
Rezultati Zajedničkog programa „Smanjenje rizika od katastrofa za održivi razvoj u Bosni i Hercegovini“, koji financira Vlada Švicarske, a provode agencije Ujedinjenih nacija u BiH od juna 2019. do juna 2023. bit će prezentirani na dvodnevnoj konferenciji koja je danas počela u Banjoj Luci.
Konferencijom se obilježava početak Sedmice klimatske akcije u BiH, koju od 1. do 9. juna 2023. godine organizira Razvojni program Ujedinjenih nacija (UNDP) u saradnji s međunarodnim i domaćim partnerima, kako bi se naglasilo da su klimatske promjene izazov koji se može prevladati samo zajedničkim nastojanjima.
A life without an ID, high school, health insurance, and Bosnia and Herzegovina citizenship.
The implementation of the project continued this school year, and a total of 6 schoolchildren will receive the annual scholarship
The first day of high school is the opening of a new life chapter full of changes and adjustments
The municipality of Hadžići has shown friendliness towards the people who are in the camp
The UNHCR Representation in Bosnia and Herzegovina organizes the Round Table on ending statelessness in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Cinema is a form of art that can reach wide audience and that is why the trust in the information conveyed through film is crucial