"Peace is when there is no conflict, we feel safe, and are accepted"
21 September 2020
Caption: Salakovac Center; Photo by BHWI
Children from the Refugee Reception Centre "Salakovac" mark the International Peace Day
21 September 2020
Within the project Moja škola implemented by the Bosnia and Herzegovina Women's Initiative Foundation (BHWI) and the support of UNHCR in BiH, children accommodated in the Refugee Reception Centre Salakovac marked the International Day of Peace under the global theme, “Shaping Peace Together.“
This year's marking of the International Day of Peace was organized in line with the recommended measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, which as a global threat, exposed the importance of friendship, tolerance and peace clearer than ever before.
In the Refugee Reception Centre Salakovac, UNHCR's partner BHWI implements informal educational activities for children by teaching them the local language and other subjects adapted to primary school age.
On the International Day of Peace, they talked with the children about the importance of peace, coexistence and tolerance, and reminded them of the importance of celebrating this day.
“Peace is when there is no conflict, and when we feel safe and accepted“ – was the joint message of the children from Salakovac.
A workshop on the "Shaping peace together" topic was also held for for women in the centre, with a conversation on what peace means to them, and stressing the importance of women's perspectives in dealing with global conflicts.
The activities of the BHWI project are implemented in cooperation with UNHCR in BiH and with the support of the United States government.
Caption: Conversations on peace with women in Salakovac center/ by BHWI