Press Release

FBiH Ministry of Labor and Social Policy strengthens cooperation with the United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina

11 September 2023

The United Nations in BiH hosted Mr. Adnan Delić, the FBiH Minister of Labor and Social Policy, in a meeting with the leaders of the UN Team in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the 6th September 2023 to discuss opportunities for strengthening their longstanding cooperation and partnership.

The United Nations Resident Coordinator in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ms. Ingrid Macdonald, and representatives of UNICEF, UN Women, UNDP, ILO, IOM and UNFPA confirmed their commitment to continue supporting the Ministry with experts, capacity, and funding in the years to come.

“Labor and social policy are amongst the key areas of focus for the United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Our cooperation with the Ministry is a priority and the United Nations will invest over 16 million BAM in labor and social policy during 2023-2026. Together with the Ministry, we are working on the implementation of plans and programmes focused on those who are most marginalized, but also in addressing the root causes of inequalities”, said Ingrid Macdonald.

"Cooperation with UN agencies is extremely important to us and I am glad that at this joint meeting, we made a cross-section of all the agreed activities, the implementation of which will certainly contribute to the strengthening of the social protection system in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina over the next three years", noted Minister Adnan Delić.

Through UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, ILO, IOM and UN Women, the UN in Bosnia and Herzegovina will support a feasibility assessment for the establishment of a Family/Children’s Fund, support the finalization of the Law on Social Services, the Child Disability Strategy assessment and referral reform, Support to the development of the FBiH Strategy on social and child protection and humanitarian cash transfers in emergency situations, Development of FBiH action plan on Deinstitutionalization of children, Support to the development of the Pazarić Institution transformation plan, Expansion of foster care for children, including of children on the move, Support to social service workforce strengthening, the redesign of the Ministry's website (to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities), a performance review in pilot social protection institutions, the implementation of energy poverty subsidies programme, strengthening the position of women within the labor market, the development of the Strategy on Population Development of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, support to activation, re-skilling, up-skilling and employment of women in rural areas, support to self-employment of women, support in the integration of Gender Responsive Budgeting in Ministry’s budget, support to the Ministry as commitment makers for the Global Action Coalition on Care Economy as well as support in implementation of recommendation from the UN Women Baseline Study on Care Economy.

Ajla Becirspahic

Ajla Bećirspahić

Communications and Advocacy Officer

UN entities involved in this initiative

International Labour Organization
International Organization for Migration
UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations Children’s Fund

Goals we are supporting through this initiative