Compilation of the Recommendations of the UN Human Rights Mechanisms and their Implementation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

This brochure covers just one part of the whole compilation. It includes an overview of the structure of the human rights mechanisms of the United Nations, specifically the treaty bodies, Special Procedures and the Universal Periodic Review, as well as the current situation in regard to those areas identified by the recommendations.
The overview should be viewed as a compilation of the different analyses organized in accordance with insights from some of the key general and sectoral reports as well as other documents that deal with human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Furthermore, the brochure provides a broad concept for possible strategic directions aimed at implementation of the recommendations. The principal aim is to aid policymakers in their efforts to develop a comprehensive human rights action plan in BiH by highlighting some of the initial considerations. Lastly, the brochure suggests some potential next steps for implementation of the UN human rights recommendations in BiH.
The guiding principle of the Compilation has been to create a simple to use and user-friendly tool for academic purposes, policy development and for creating legal solutions and action plans in support of implementation of the recommendations of international bodies in line with the international obligations of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Compilation is intended for use by the relevant institutions, non-governmental organisations, the academic community and all those who study, work toward and advocate for human rights.