One United Nations Programme and Common Budgetary Framework BiH 2015-2020: United Nations Development Assistance Framework

This United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) agreed between the Bosnia and Herzegovina’s (BiH) authorities and the United Nations (UN) on 2015, is a strategic programme framework for the period 2015-2020. It draws on the full range of expertise and resources of the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) to deliver development results. It constitutes the underlying element of the One UN Programme and Common Budgetary Framework for BiH 2015-2020 in addition to the other integral elements of the One UN Programme such as Joint Steering Committee, Results Groups, and biennial Joint Work Plans.
Thirteen UNDAF outcomes have been selected, in four strategic focus areas that respond to country needs and make use of the UN’s comparative advantages. These were identified through an intensive consultation process with BiH authorities and Implementing Partners (IPs):
• The rule of law and human security
• Sustainable and equitable development and employment
• Social inclusion: education, social protection, child protection and health
• The empowerment of women
These outcomes serve as a mutual accountability framework between the UN and all IPs in BiH. They are expected to provide the people of BiH with a fuller range of choices and opportunities and to promote their human development and freedoms. The UNDAF outcomes will be achieved through a practical application of the light ‘delivering-as-one’ approach to joint and complementary programming and implementation and by shared resource mobilization. Key elements of the approach include: a single ‘one programme’ with a strategic UNDAF developed at the outcome level, inter-agency Results Groups responsible for development of Joint Work Plans, including their implementation, monitoring, and reporting with IPs and a Joint Steering Committee (JSC) that provides formal oversight and management direction, with inclusive representation of BiH authorities.
This UNDAF reinforces the strong partnership between BiH authorities and the UNCT to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), advancing equitable economic growth and reducing poverty, through capacity development, strengthening of strategic and policy frameworks, enhancement of accountability systems and the delivery of quality social services. UNDAF strategies focus on reaching the most deprived and vulnerable populations and support the UN system’s commitment to assist the country to meet its human rights obligations. It also underpins the efforts of the UN to enable BiH authorities increase their leadership and ownership of the development process in BiH and respond adequately to the needs of the most vulnerable populations.
The Common Budgetary Framework provides country partners, the UNCT, and donors with a holistic overview of required and available resources to support UNDAF implementation, and any funding gaps. It is a basis for joint mobilization of resources and contributes to better delivery of UN system support. Full implementation of the UNDAF will require an estimated total of USD 264,592,034. This includes USD 54,871,620 from regular or core resources and USD 78,533,932 from other or non-core resources. The total estimated funding gap is USD 131,186,482. The JSC, together with the UNCT will act in concert to mobilize these additional resources over the One Programme period.
This UNDAF represents a joint commitment by BiH authorities and the UN system to work together in a spirit of cooperation with the people of BiH to secure the changes that will help them to live longer, healthier and more prosperous lives.