WHO COUNTRY OFFICE FOR BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA is issuing an invitation to bid, with a purpose of procurement of the IT equipment for strenghtening health systems in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Bid Reference
See the full requirements in the attached PDF file.
WHO is a public international organization, consisting of 194 Member States, and a Specialized Agency of the
United Nations with the mandate to act as the directing and coordinating authority on international health
work. As such, WHO is dependent on the budgetary and extra-budgetary contributions it receives for the
implementation of its activities. Bidders are, therefore, requested to propose the best and most cost-effective
solution to meet WHO requirements, while ensuring a high level of service.
1. Requirements
WHO requires the successful bidder, to provide hospital equipment as per the attached detailed list of
requirements and specifications .
The successful bidder shall be a company operating in the field of IT Equipement with proven expertise and
Bidders should follow the instructions set forth below in the submission of their offer to WHO.
2. Offer
The offer and all correspondence and documents relating thereto shall be prepared and submitted in the English
The offer should be concisely presented and structured to include the following information:
• Presentation of your Company (please complete Annex 2);
• Technical Offer (with indicated delivery date);
• Financial offer – in BAM (VAT exclusive) as per instrictions stated in Annex 1.
• Signed Annex 4
Information which the bidder considers confidential, if any, should be clearly marked as such.
3. Instructions to Bidders
Bidders must follow the instructions set forth in this ITB in the submission of their offer to WHO.
A prospective bidder requiring any clarification on technical, contractual or commercial matters may notify
WHO via email at the following address no later than 3 working days prior to the closing date for the submission
of offers:
Email for submissions of all queries: localprocurementBIH@who.int
(use Bid reference in subject line )
A consolidated document of WHO's responses to all questions (including an explanation of the query but
without identifying the source of enquiry) will be sent to all prospective bidders who have received the ITB.
From the date of issue of this ITB to the final selection, contact with WHO officials concerning the ITB process
shall not be permitted, other than through the submission of queries and/or through a possible presentation
or meeting called for by WHO, in accordance with the terms of this ITB.