Inter Agency Operational Update for Bosnia and Herzegovina, February 2021
The 2021- 25 Cooperation Framework with authorities in BiH reaffirms joint commitment to work for the people, their environment & bettering of their communities
The United Nations’ Dialogue for the Future Initiative in BiH is pleased to announce a call for youth in the literary and artistic competition.
The United Nations’ Dialogue for the Future Initiative in Bosnia and Herzegovina is pleased to announce a call for participants in the literary and artistic competition on the
topic: The Next 25 Years in Bosnia and Herzegovina

UNODC organized a regional capacity development online workshop on “Treatnet Family: Elements of Family Based Treatment for Youths with Drug Use Disorders including in Contact with the Criminal Justice System: Creating Societies Resilient to Drugs and Crime” for practitioners in South Eastern Europe and Italy with the kind support of the Government of Italy.
Inter Agency Operational Update for Bosnia and Herzegovina, March 2021
The authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the UN are committed to working together to achieve 4 strategic priorities, for the benefit of all people in BiH.
Presenting the key 2020 results achieved by the UN and partners in Bosnia and Herzegovina, across four strategic focus areas.