2019 Results Report for UNDAF 2015-2020 in BiH

The work of the UNCT in BiH is guided by the 2015-2020 United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) endorsed by the BiH Council of Ministers on 14 May 2015 and officially signed on 15 June 2015. Thirteen outcomes have been agreed within the 2015-2020 UNDAF, in four strategic focus areas that respond to country needs and make use of the UN’s comparative advantages: Rule of Law and Human Security, Sustainable and Equitable Development and Employment, Social Inclusion (education, social protection, child protection, child protection and health), and Empowerment of Women.
The UNDAF is operationalized through 4 biennial UN Joint Work Plans (JWPs) at the output and activity level, corresponding to four UNDAF Focus Areas, which are prepared every two years in close consultation with the relevant BiH authorities and approved by the BiH/UN Joint Steering Committee (JSC). With the overall responsibility of coordinating and monitoring the UNDAF implementation in BiH, the JSC provides strategic guidance and oversight during the 2015-20120 UNDAF implementation, endorses the JWPs and reviews the annual reports. It is composed of the BiH authorities from state, entity and Brčko District levels, in addition to the UNCT.
Within this context, the UNCT prepares a joint UN Country Results Report on an annual basis informing the JSC and other partners in BiH of the achievements and progress made in implementation of the 2015-2020 UNDAF for BiH.
This report summarizes and highlights the key development results achieved in BiH in 2019 with the UN’s support during the fifth year of the UNDAF implementation