WHO Bosnia and Herzegovina Report No. 07/24
07 May 2024

The 2024/7 update contains information on:
- European Immunization Week 2024: 50 years of protecting generations past, present and future through immunization\
- Global immunization efforts have saved at least 154 million lives over the past 50 years
- 50th anniversary of the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI)
- Another good reason to vaccinate – to keep life-saving medicines working
- A lifelong commitment to ensuring children receive the care and protection they deserve
- Alcohol, e-cigarettes, cannabis: concerning trends in adolescent substance use, shows new WHO/Europe report
- New WHO/Europe report highlights a direct link between COVID-19 and increased obesity in school-aged children
- COVID-19 Lessons learned: WHO/Europe launches the first Pan-European Network for Disease Control
- WHO reports widespread overuse of antibiotics in patients hospitalized with COVID-19
- Digital prescriptions – good for patients, good for prescribers and good for dispensers
- Statement on the antigen composition of COVID-19 vaccines
- WHO Global Malaria Programme launches new operational strategy
- WHO and International Finance corporation partnership for local manufacturing of health products
- Air pollution: EU Parliament adopts revised law to improve air quality
- WHO advisory group convenes its first meeting on responsible use of the life sciences and dual-use research
- International Development Innovation Alliance and WHO renew collaboration on scale-up of health innovations
- WHO in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- WHO campaigns / WHO emergencies / WHO publications / WHO events and courses / WHO stories / WHO videos / WHO podcasts
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