WHO Bosnia and Herzegovina Report No. 05/24
30 April 2024

The 2024/5 update contains information on:
- WHO Member States agree to resume negotiations aimed at finalizing the world’s first pandemic agreement
- WHO unveils a digital health promoter harnessing generative AI for public health
- Statement by Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe – Ahead of us lies a future free of TB
- One in six school-aged children experiences cyberbullying
- Influenza Health Worker Vaccination Programmes: Platforms for Pandemic Preparedness
- The Self-Care Wheel: an award-winning innovation to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights
- Hard truths about under-5 mortality: call for urgent global action
- Supporting Ukraine’s health emergency preparedness: WHO pilots a new tool for hospital response to radiation emergencies
- Updated public health resource pack for countries experiencing outbreaks of influenza in animals published
- 2023: outbreaks of avian influenza
- Promoting a risk-based approach for the regulatory oversight of vaccines used in pandemics
- WHO calls for greater attention to violence against women with disabilities and older women
- WHO launches CoViNet: a global network for coronaviruses
- Working together for a healthier, safer world: WHO and IPU renew partnership
- WHO feature story
- WHO emergencies / publications / WHO events and courses / WHO videos / WHO podcast
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