Women and Youth in Sarajevo Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

This report is produced within the project Local Development Strategies – EU4Business in Bosnia and Herzegovina whose main objective is to strengthen capacity for generating growth and employment through support to competitiveness and innovation in the private sector. In that light, the specific objective is to support BiH private sector development with a focus on export oriented, agro-rural and tourism sectors, as well as on enhancing the operational environment for MSMEs including development of local entrepreneurship. Key role of the ILO in the joint programme is to enable growth and sustainability of entrepreneurial initiatives in export oriented, tourism and agro-rural sectors for income and employment generation, with specific focus to women and youth entrepreneurship. Theproject has been funded by EUD to Bosnia and Herzegovina and implemented jointly by ILO, GIZ and UNDP.
This report applies the ILO’s Inclusive Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Approach focusing on women and young entrepreneurs in Sarajevo. The Inclusive Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Framework aims to support entrepreneurs typically excluded from the dynamics of local ecosystems. The framework is implementation- and impact-oriented and builds on the experience of the ILO in promoting entrepreneurship, as well as its Decent Work Agenda.
The report details the findings of the entrepreneurship ecosystem analysis for women and young people in Sarajevo. It also to presents the challenges and positive developments that women and young people face in all pillars of the ecosystem.