WHO CO BiH Report no. 34

WHO urges investing in “One Health” actions for better health of the people and the planet
Investing in the radical reorientation of health systems towards Primary Health Care: The best and only choice to achieve universal health coverage
New WHO campaign highlights tobacco industry tactics to influence public health policies
Raising awareness of the link between alcohol and cancer – Joint statement by Dr Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, and Dr Elisabete Weiderpass, Director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, to the European Parliament
The power of healing: new WHO report shows how arts can help beat noncommunicable diseases
WHO updates guidelines on treatment for COVID-19
Human-Animal Interface Newsletter: Aug-Oct 2023
Accelerating Vaccine Development for Global Health Impact - a WHO Initiative to Prioritize Key Endemic Pathogens
World Diabetes Day 2023: Equitable access to care for people with tuberculosis and diabetes
WHO launches new five-year roadmap to prevent and treat tuberculosis in children and adolescents
Lancet Countdown report calls for climate-driven health action
WHO unveils framework for climate resilient and low carbon health systems
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