WHO CO BiH Report no. 33

Strengthening Resilience and Charting the Future: Highlights from the 73rd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe
Towards a resilient region – Address by the WHO Regional Director for Europe at the 73rd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe
WHO/Europe’s 53 Member States adopt historic resolution to protect and support health and care workers across Europe and Central Asia
Unlocking health for all
New WHO guide for small and medium-sized enterprises highlights benefits of physical activity for workplaces
The beating heart of our Region: WHO European Region calls on Member States to develop Preparedness 2.0
Countries in the WHO European Region commit to action on antimicrobial resistance by endorsing a new European Roadmap
With the colder months upon us, WHO/Europe launches new platforms to track and share real-time data on respiratory viruses
Unlocking the future of healthy ageing: The Lisbon Outcome Statement
New infodemic management tools to support pandemic planning and preparedness for pandemic influenza and respiratory pathogen disease events
On World Cities Day 2023, WHO calls for increased financing for a sustainable, healthy urban future for all
Call for WHO’s Fifth Health for All Film Festival opens to amplify voices of champions of health
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