Press Release

Joint Statement on successfully holding Bosnia and Herzegovina’s first Pride March

09 September 2019

  •  The people of BiH came together to reject fear and hate and instead demonstrated to the world that BiH is indeed an open and tolerant country that respects the rights of all individuals.

We congratulate the Organizing Committee, March participants, local institutions, and citizens of BiH on successfully holding Bosnia and Herzegovina’s first Pride March.  The people of BiH came together to reject fear and hate and instead demonstrated to the world that BiH is indeed an open and tolerant country that respects the rights of all individuals.

The Pride March is fundamentally about equal human rights for everyone.  Everyone in BiH – regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity – is entitled to all the same rights and freedoms.  However, the fact remains that vulnerable groups are still suffering.  It is everyone’s responsibility to support those who are marginalized and face discrimination and injustice.  

We thank local institutions for facilitating the March.  Now it is time to bring legislation on peaceful assemblies in line with European and international standards, in order to legally guarantee full freedom of expression and assembly.

While challenges remain, the people of BiH took an important step in the fight for equal rights for the LGBTI and other marginalized communities.  We commend you for your courage in being true to yourselves and for giving hope to others.  We are proud to have walked alongside you and will remain by your side as you continue to march for equality and human rights for all.

Zajednička izjava povodom uspješno održane prve Bh. povorke ponosa

Čestitamo Organizacionom odboru, učesnicima Povorke, lokalnim institucijama i građanima BiH na uspješno održanoj prvoj  Povorci ponosa u BiH. Stanovnici Bosne i Hercegovine udružili su se i odbacili strah i mržnju i, umjesto toga, pokazali su svijetu da je BiH uistinu otvorena i tolerantna zemlja koja poštuje prava svih pojedinaca.

Jednaka ljudska prava za sve – to je suština bh. Povorke ponosa. Svi u BiH - bez obzira na njihovu seksualnu orijentaciju ili rodni identitet - imaju pravo na ista prava i slobode. Ipak, ostaje činjenica da ranjivim skupinama još nisu dostupni. Odgovornost svih je da daju podršku marginaliziranima koji se suočavaju s diskriminacijom i nepravdom.

Zahvaljujemo lokalnim institucijama koje su omogućile bh. Povorku. Sada je vrijeme da se postojeća zakonska rješenja o mirnom okupljanju usklade sa evropskim i međunarodnim standardima, kako bi se zakonski garantirala puna sloboda izražavanja i okupljanja.

I dok izazovi i dalje postoje, građani BiH napravili su važan korak u borbi za jednaka prava LGBTI i ostalih marginaliziranih zajednica. Čestitamo vam na hrabrosti da budete vjerni sebi i pružite nadu drugima. Ponosni smo što smo hodali s vama rame uz rame i ostajemo uz vas dok nastavljate koračati za jednakost i ljudska prava za sve.

Embassy of the United States of America to BiH,  EU Office in BiH (EU Delegation and EUSR), The United Nations in BiH, Embassy of Switzerland in BiH, Embassy of the Netherlands in BiH,  Embassy of Germany in BiH, Embassy of Austria in BiH, Embassy of Sweden in BiH, Embassy of Finland to BiH, Embassy of the UK in BiH, Embassy of Spain in BiH, Embassy of France in BiH, Embassy of Italy in BiH, Embassy of the Czech Republic in BiH, Embassy of Greece in BiH, Embassy of Romania in BiH, Embassy of Slovenia in BiH,  Embassy of Bulgaria in BiH and  the Diplomatic Office of the Kingdom of Belgium in BiH.


Communications Unit

UN entities involved in this initiative

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
International Labour Organization
International Organization for Migration
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Resident Coordinator Office
United Nations Environment Programme
UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Children’s Fund
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
United Nations Volunteers
World Health Organization

Other entities involved in this initiative

International Monetary Fund
World Bank
World Bank

Goals we are supporting through this initiative